By: Laurie Lawlor
Illustrated by: Gail Owens
This is a historical fiction story set in 1883 with Addie as the main character. Addie's family is picking up and moving from Iowa to Dakota in order to claim land and start building on it. Addie is very apprehensive about moving and thinks she's not the "prairie-girl" type. She rather prefers staying where she's comfortable, i.e. Iowa. Her best friend, Eleanor, is there and Addie was able to attend school. She is forced to leave family and all that is known to her behind to begin a very unknown life.
All in all, I was very interested in reading this story because this era somewhat intrigues me. Once I started the book, though, I found the story to progress slowly and I was ending up making myself pick up the book to read it. As the story moved on (about halfway through) things started to get a little more interesting and fast-paced.
I thought the descriptions were great of all the chores the family was required to do and also the fire scene. I didn't feel the language was that of someone who lived in the late 1800's. I mean, the mother did use the word "quarrel" instead of fight when talking to Addie and her younger brother. I just thought the language would be a little richer since this is a historical fiction story. (I recently read one set in 1925 and the language was very authentic to the time period.)
All in all, I have mixed feelings in regards to whether I liked this story or not and I'm usually pretty cut and dry. It was not bad and I wouldn't go around saying this story was not an enjoyable one, but it definitely wasn't the best historical fiction piece I've ever read. I'm not even sure I'd recommend this one. (How indecisive can I be?) :-)
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