I enjoyed the movie version of Bridge to Terabithia, but I do like the book better. I'm glad I read the story before I saw the movie. I usually always read the book before I view the movie because books have so much more detail.
I did not like the parts in the forest of the wild beasts and the giant. I was very skeptical when I saw the trailer to the movie. It was not something I really wanted to see. I was very happy that the main focus of the movie was not on the science fiction part.
I loved the characters who played Jess and Leslie. Jess was almost exactly as I imaged him to be, but not Leslie. In my mind, I imagined her more of an outcast than she was in the movie. I liked the movie character Leslie. Also, the girl who played May Belle was absolutely adorable! I think she did a great job.
I am left with some questions.... Where is Bessie the cow? Also, I believe the book gave more background about Leslie and her family-like where they came from. The old Perkins place was never mentioned. Also, you could tell Jess had something for his teacher, but the book focused more on that part than the movie did. Also, when they were eating at the museum, there was no mention in the movie about Jess not having any money and he was praying that this fact never came up. (His teacher ended up treating him to lunch anyway.) The story was also modernized which I was not expecting.
Where were all of these details that made the story so rich and meaningful?? I guess that's something only Hollywood can answer.
All in all, I enjoyed the movie, but absolutely LOVE the story more. :-)
I agree with everything you said about the movie. I liked the book much better too and am glad I read it before seeing the movie. I wasn't expecting it to be set now either. I thought that was a kind of weird departure from the book. I also thought the forest creatures were unneccessary and wish they had been left out. I wonder what kids thought about this movie?
I just now remembered thinking during the movie that Bessy was missing! And I didn't really enjoy their greenhouse either. Did you understand why Jess's dad made such a big deal about the animal in there, besides the fact that it ate their plants? I think you raised some really great questions- all of which I shared at some point in the movie, but then forgot the moment I stood up from my seat!
I was amazed at how much Jess looked like what I imagined. I had pictured Leslie similarly to the movie version, but not quite the same.
I missed so many of the same things you did - Bessie, "the old Perkin's place", and all the awkward moments Jesse had with his dad,Leslie and his teacher. I had expected the movie to be narrated by Jesse - to give voice to all of the inner struggles that were so important in the book, but obviously I was wrong. I too enjoyed the book more.
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